GSAM 2023-2025 Call for Officer Nominations and Elections
GSAM 2023-2025 Call for Officer Nominations and Elections
The Georgia Society of Addiction Medicine (GSAM) Chapter is seeking nominees for four (4) Officers positions – both self-nominations and nominations of your colleagues are enthusiastically welcomed.
In accordance with the GSAM Bylaws IV, “Officers shall be elected upon Chapter inception and every two (2) years thereafter. Only active members of the Society, with the exception of Student Members, are eligible to be elected Officers or Directors”. GSAM Chapter Officers serve a two-year term beginning immediately.
The following officer positions are open for nominations:
- President
- President-Elect
- Secretary
- Treasurer
GSAM President:
The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of GSAM and serve as Chairperson of the Board of Directors. The President shall serve ex-officio as a member of all committees, shall preside at meetings of GSAM and the ASAM Chapters Council. The President’s duties also include facilitating the BOD meetings, developing the agenda for the BOD meetings, liaising with the BOD committees, appointing the committee Chairs, engaging with other entities, appointing ad hoc committees, and engaging with ASAM and other public entities. The President shall perform such duties as may be prescribed by the Bylaws and the Board of Directors. The President may appoint another BOD member to liaise with outside entities as needed.
GSAM President-Elect:
The President-Elect, in the absence or disability of the President, shall exercise the powers of the President. The President-Elect shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by the President or Board of Directors. The President-Elect assists with the President in implementing strategic planning for the BOD and assists in liaising with the committees.
The duties of Secretary shall include the following in conjunction with the Executive Director: arrange, schedule, and send notice of board meetings, keep an accurate record of the proceedings of the meetings of GSAM and the GSAM BOD; preserve records, documents, and correspondence; cause notice to be given of elections, meetings of GSAM, and meetings of the BOD; and perform all other duties incident to the office of Secretary or oversee staff in the exercise thereof.
The Secretary shall also ensure that a complete list of the members entitled to vote at the annual meeting, with the address of record for each member is prepared and accurate. This list should be available at all GSAM meetings and should be filed in the administrative supports or cloud-based electronic storage system.
In the circumstance that the Secretary cannot fulfill their role, the office of Secretary shall be appointed for the duration of the term by the President with approval of 50% or more of the BOD. The individual appointed should be an individual already on the BOD.
The Treasurer shall be the custodian of GSAM’s funds. The treasurer will work with the GSAM accountant to oversee that GSAM follows all federal tax filing requirements. The Treasurer or individual designated by the BOD, in conjunction with the GSAM accountant or GSAM administrative support staff, shall deposit these funds in the GSAM name in such depositories as the Finance Committee following the guidelines of the Bylaws and BOD, shall recommend. The Treasurer, or individual designated by the BOD, shall dispense funds as authorized by the BOD. The Treasurer shall report an accurate account of the financial standing of GSAM at the annual meeting of GSAM. The Treasurer shall provide to the BOD an annual financial statement, at the request of the BOD. The Treasurer shall Chair the Finance Committee.
In the circumstance that the Treasurer cannot fulfill their role, the office of Treasurer shall be appointed for the duration of the term by the President with approval of 50% or more of the BOD. The individual appointed should be an individual already on the BOD
GSAM 2023-2025 Call for Committee Volunteers
GSAM committees are led by and comprised of member volunteers. Each committee performs designated activities to further the mission of GSAM under the oversight of the Board of Directors.
We eagerly invite GSAM members to join a committee to get involved with other stimulating and passionate colleagues. Together, we can make a greater impact in our shared cause and goals.
Nominating and Election Committee
The Nominating Committee shall consist of the Immediate Past President as Chair and three (3) members of the Board of Directors and appointed by the President and approved by the Board of Directors. The Committee shall be charged with preparing a list of candidates for Officers of the Chapter and for the Board of Directors, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter VI of these Bylaws.
Public and Legislative Committee
The Public and Legislative Affairs Committee shall represent the interest of the Chapter and the field of Addiction Medicine to the public and the State Legislature. This Committee shall also serve as a resource to the Board of Directors for matters that relate to public relations and legislative affairs.
Membership Committee
The GSAM Membership Committee will ensure that all GSAM members are members in good standing with ASAM. The Membership Committee shall ensure that all membership categories are consistent with those of ASAM and included on the GSAM roster of members. The Committee also will recommend to the Board of Directors strategies for member recruitment and retention, to increase GSAM membership. The Committee has responsibility to welcome new members, and to follow up with persons who do not renew their membership.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee will be chaired by the Treasurer, and comprised of Board members who volunteer, or are assigned by the President. The Finance Committee has responsibility for periodic review of GSAM fiscal policies and procedures, monitoring of fiscal management, and monitoring of GSAM’s fiscal health. The Finance Committee reports its activities and findings to the President and Board regularly at meetings of the Board of Directors.