Sign-On Opportunity: 5pm ET, November 1 Deadline: Stakeholder Letter Calling for the Reauthorization of the SUPPORT Act
Now that there is a Speaker of the US House, there is an opportunity to advance the reauthorization of the SUPPORT Act in both chambers. However, without a major push by stakeholders, its advancement is in jeopardy.
Thus, no later than 5pm ET, Wednesday, November 1, please consider adding your organization’s name to a brief letter, drafted by ASAM and the Overdose Prevention Initiative, calling for the Senate HELP and Finance Committees to bring forward the reauthorization of the Substance Use-Disorder Prevention That Promotes Opioid Recovery and Treatment for Patients and Communities Act, as soon as possible. You can find a Google Form to add your organization’s name, with a link to said letter here:
Please feel free to share this letter with others. All organizations are welcome to add their names to the letter – nonprofit, for-profit, national, state, or local.
By working together, we help prevent and treat addiction and save lives.
Thank you for your hard work and advocacy to date!